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Updated: Jun 15, 2022

When we started building AutoBuzz as an order to handover communication platform for the automotive industry, we couldn’t have imagined the problem we were solving would have the brightest of lights being shone on it at the moment we went live with our first AM Online top 100 group.

We cannot stress enough just how much of a problem the void in communication between order and handover was, way before Covid and semi-conductor supply issues got in the way. But they did, and the problem was pushed onto the front of national newspapers.

So, it goes without saying that we explored all the existing solutions that were at the disposal of retailers when we first built our solution, and amongst the most interesting were existing CRMs, automated platforms that sales teams use, from Hubspot to Salesforce.

In this article we want explain a little more about AutoBuzz and how we have crafted something that is different from some of the global, cross-sector, juggernauts just mentioned. While there are many useful utility tools, the craftsperson uses specialist tools to get the very best results.

You only need to visit the Salesforce, Hubspot or Pipedrive websites to get a feel for the capabilities of these platforms. They have been built and evolved for sales teams to manage multiple enquiries, stay in touch with customers and drive personalised and meaningful connections from the moment the customer steps into the shop, showroom or visits the website.

In truth, the features and functionalities go way beyond what AutoBuzz has been built to deliver, but therein lies the major challenge.

These systems are not created specifically for the unique nature and behaviour of the retail automotive world, they’re built to be configured for pretty much any business. Once they are configured, which often takes months to get right, they require constant attention and the kind of data input that only the most focused of sales teams can provide.

Does that sound like the environment that automotive sales teams operate within?

Add to that you have the constant churn of staff, having to come in and be taught the processes and benefits of using the platform in the right way.

It’s a challenge, but we are hearing from some retail automotive groups that this is the way they want to go – it just feels like a bit like a sledgehammer/nut situation.

Some key questions for consideration:

  1. Will the sales team be comfortable using a CRM that hasn’t been designed for automotive?

  2. Will the platform be able to offer personalised communication with customers without sales teams having to intervene?

  3. If considerable configuration is required, why not use a ready made, off the shelf solution when it comes to automated communication?

Would be interested to hear from you if you’re successfully using one of the bigger CRM platforms, and are managing to successfully keep customers updated with information on their order between order and handover. Get in touch!

Final thought, while there are many useful utility tools, the most effective sales teams have at their disposal specialist tools and technology, configured and arranged to provide the very best results. The one-size-fits all solution doesn't tend to suit 'all'.

If you’d like to demo an off-the-shelf solution for comms from order to handover, just let us know.



For more information, feel free to get in touch and discuss a demo or integration of AutoBuzz to your dealer group by clicking HERE >>

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